Introducing Primitive Reflexes: A Means to Understanding Motor Development


Presented by Maxine Haller, OTR

Primitive reflexes serve as the initial connection between the external world stimuli and the internal response systems within humans that involve muscular contraction. This module explores the basic premises of these connections and how they facilitate the growth and development of the newborn through 3 years of age.

CEUs: 2.0 R-CERP

Course Price: $65.00 (USD)

Learning Objectives

The learner will be able to:

  • Define Primitive Reflex.
  • Link stimulus and reflex correctly.
  • Describe the movement patterns of the following reflexes: Moro; TLR; Hands Pulling; ATNR; Palmar Grasp; Rooting; Spinal Galant.
  • Place these reflexes on a developmental timeline.

Topics Covered

  • Intra-uterine development of primitive reflexes.
  • Emergence of 7 main primitive reflexes.
  • The stimuli and movement patterns for 7 main primitive reflexes.
  • The role of primitive reflexes.
  • Muscle firing loops and their expansion.
  • Reflex integration.
  • Developmental sequence through the lens of reflex movement.

Course/Module Description

Primitive reflexes serve as the initial connection between the external world stimuli and the internal response systems within humans that involve muscular contraction. This module explores the basic premises of these connections and how they facilitate the growth and development of the newborn through 3 years of age.  Ms. Haller discusses 7 primitive reflexes that create the foundation for more advanced movement. She presents the reflex, the stimulus, and the movement pattern for each. This foundational module sets the stage for understanding how these reflexes support and impact normal breastfeeding.

Ms. Haller will be presenting four more modules on reflexes that will provide the learner with an in depth understanding of reflex movement patterns and the ways in which problems with these patterns can adversely impact infant feeding, growth and development.



Maxine Haller, DNM, BD, OTR/L

Maxine Haller, DNM, BD, OTR/L