COMING SOON - Pre- and Perinatal Influences on Infant Suck-Swallow-Breathe


COMING SOON! Infant sucking dysfunction has exponentially increased over the past two decades. This module focuses on the multiple factors responsible for the increased challenges to the gestate and neonate and suggests solutions for prevention.

CEUs: 1.5 L-CERP

Course Price: $50.00 (USD)

Learning Objectives

The learner will be able to:

  • List at least five factors that negatively impact infant suck-swallow-breathe coordination.
  • Detail the negative impact of influencing factors on infant suck-swallow-breathe.
  • Summarize how prevention strategies can reduce the number of infant suck-swallow-breathe problems.

Topics Covered

  • Stress vectors that cause infant sucking disorganization and dysfunction.
  • Pre-natal influences, including pregnancy stress, toxins, maternal diet, maternal posture.
  • Intra-partum influences including cultural birth practices, epidurals, pitocin, artificial rupture of membranes.
  • Postpartum influences, including lack of skin-to-skin contact, first-hour bonding, bathing the baby, and circumcision.
  • Prevention.

Course/Module Description

Infant sucking dysfunction has exponentially increased over the past two decades. Multiple factors may contribute to the development of infant sucking issues, including maternal postural problems, which change the baby’s “container” during gestation, and influences such as cultural birth practices which may impact the baby’s ability to coordinate sucking with swallowing and breathing. This module details the many factors that have increased the challenges to the gestate and neonate, the way these factors impact breastfeeding, and the many ways we can prevent these problems. Dr. Hazelbaker uses video and interactive slides to illustrate the concepts.


Dr. Alison Hazelbaker

Dr. Alison Hazelbaker