Ethics in Public Health, Clinical Practice, and Lactation: The ABCs of Doing the Right Thing


Presented by Liz Brooks, JD, IBCLC, FILCA

This session covers the basics of ethics and legal duty as a lactation support provider, offers examples from the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) literature, delves a bit deeper in a few topics that present the most common “potholes” for practitioners, and ponders realistic hypothetical stories that put the learning into practice.

CEUs: 2.0 E-CERP

Course Price: $65.00 (USD)

Learning Objectives

The Learner will be able to:

  • Name one document for each kind of clinical practice guidance:
    • a mandatory (required) ethics document.
    • a voluntary (model, or best practices) document.
    • a public health directive that is voluntary unless made into law.
  • Define the difference between an ethics obligations, and a legal obligation, in clinical practice.
  • Explain how gifts and samples from commercial entities, to health care providers, can change professional clinical behavior.
  • Describe why de-identification of a patient/client, before discussing their case with colleagues, does not meet ethical standards for privacy and confidentiality.

Topics Covered

  • Law vs. Ethics.
  • Ethics vs. Morals.
  • Ethical theories.
  • Healthcare principles of ethics.
  • Practice guiding documents for the lactation professional.
  • Conflicts of interest.
  • Intellectual property law.
  • Privacy, security, and confidentiality.

Course/Module Description

We all understand, generally, that lactation support providers – from licensed primary healthcare providers to voluntary peer counselors – owe a “duty of care” to the parents they work with, defined by laws and ethics codes. But many find it confusing (and too philosophical) to understand what is really expected of them, especially in the moment, when decisions about how to do things “the right way” must be made. This session covers the basic of ethics and legal duty as a lactation support provider, offers examples from the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) literature, delves a bit deeper in a few topics that present the most common “potholes” for practitioners, and ponders realistic hypothetical stories that put the learning into practice.



Liz Brooks, JD, IBCLC, FILCA

Liz Brooks, JD, IBCLC, FILCA