Breastfeeding the Late Preterm Infant


Presented by Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC

Late preterm infants present a challenge to breastfeeding. While they may masquerade as full-term infants, their incomplete maturation affects many of their body systems as well as their breastfeeding efficiency. This module will explore who are these “little imposters,” what are their vulnerabilities, what can we expect to see when they breastfeed, how can we address the numerous impediments to breastfeeding that may crop up, and how can we help the mother with milk production and/or the need to express milk.

CEUs: 2.0 L-CERP

Course Price: $65.00 (USD)

Learning Objectives

The learner will be able to:

  • Participants will be able to discuss pertinent physical and developmental alterations in late preterm infants and mothers relative to establishing and maintaining breastfeeding.
  • Participants will be able to describe interventions and care plans for breastfeeding the late preterm infant.

Topics Covered

  • Late preterm defined.
  • Late preterm statistics.
  • Comparison between full term, late preterm, and early preterm infants.
  • Specific challenges for the late preterm infant.
  • Specific breastfeeding challenges for the late preterm infant.
  • Management strategies for breastfeeding the late preterm infant: maternal milk supply, alternative feeding strategies, and positioning and latch strategies that support the late preterm infant.

Course/Module Description

Late preterm infants present a challenge to breastfeeding. While they may masquerade as full-term infants, their incomplete maturation affects many of their body systems as well as their breastfeeding efficiency. This presentation will explore who are these “little imposters,” what are their vulnerabilities, what can we expect to see when they breastfeed. This module explores challenges and solutions for supporting maternal milk supply, positioning and latch, suck-swallow-breathe, and the family. Ms. Walker presents and describes various strategies to address late preterm feeding challenges, especially if alternative feeding methods are indicated. She further explores the importance of breastmilk feeding until direct breastfeeding can be established.



Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC

Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC