Professionals need reliable tools to support babies regardless of the feeding method. Dr. Hazelbaker created The Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function™© (ATLFF™©) as a result of her work developing, formalizing and codifying the diagnostic criteria for tongue-tie in infants. The ATLFF™© remains the only valid and reliable tongue-tie screening and assessment tool for infants under six months of age regardless of feeding method. This module incorporates step-by-step instructions and video segments that demonstrate the proper use of each component of the ATLFF™© and provides learners a comparison of classification, assessment, and screening tools.
Since the time of Aristotle, tongue-tie has been known to create functional oral problems. Dr. Hazelbaker takes the learner through a journey from Aristotle’s time to the present, identifying when the controversy around tongue-tie treatment began. New controversies developed with the introduction of the posterior tie, lip tie, and buccal tie generating an industry around the condition and a backlash. Clinical practice has now exceeded the evidence and this module explores how and why this has happened. Dr. Hazelbaker covers the present issues of agreement and controversy and suggests strategies for the future tongue-tie journey.
Presented by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBCLC, FAPA
Depressed mothers are less likely to breastfeed and yet breastfeeding protects against depression. Breastfeeding supports the oxytocin system which over-rides the stress response. Conversely, stress suppresses the oxytocin system, making depression and breastfeeding difficulties more likely. This module describes oxytocin vs. stress and then applies this knowledge to recent studies to understand whether breastfeeding actually protects maternal mental health.