Dr. Hazelbaker describes the most common cognitive errors in this groundbreaking presentation using tongue-tie assessment and treatment as illustrative examples. She connects the dots between cognitive errors and unethical behavior rampant in the assessment and treatment of tongue-tie and lip “tie.” A discussion of the impact of bias on the differential diagnosis process concludes the module.
The learner will be able to:
Dr. Hazelbaker presents various cognitive errors and illustrates with cases how these errors manifest in the tongue-tie industry, undermining appropriate clinical care of the genuinely tongue-tied infant. She then addresses the 7 principles of healthcare ethics, making connections between cognitive errors and ethical behavioral erosion. The impact of cognitive errors and ethical breaches on the differential diagnosis process rounds out the module.
The content in this module is re-evaluated every three years in accordance with ANCC criteria. This content will be re-evaluated and updated on or before August 31, 2023.